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Soundtrack Sunday - My 2019 Books

In 2019, I went through a lot of changes, the biggest being my move back to NYC in April! With that, I definitely didn’t read as much with getting acclimated back to NYC and balancing all the amazing opportunities such as author talks, pop up events and exhibits all vying for my time and re-launching my website! With all that, I managed to read 17 books, attended some of the author events and also worked to follow along with some of the virtual book clubs like Diverse Spines & Very Smart Bros. The thread I noticed with all these selections was a sense of connection to ppl, places and things such as purpose or career. Lots of learning, reminiscing, perspective and hope filled me from all these authors and pages !

Books pictured:

Dapper Dan - Made in Harlem Memoir

Common - Let Love Have The Last Word

Yuval Taylor - Zora and Langston

Damon Young - What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Blacker

Brittany Hennessy- Influencer

Jasmine Guillory - The Proposal

Stormzy - Rise Up

Melissa Rivero - The Affairs of the Falcons

Charreah K. Jackson - Boss Bride

Michelle Obama - Becoming

Tayari Jones - Silver Sparrow

Michell C. Clark - Keep It 100

Jasmine Guillory - Royal Holiday

Minda Harts - The Memo

Jasmine Guillory - The Wedding Party

Candice Carty - Williams - Queenie

Elaine Welteroth- More Than Enough


My Favorite Nine 2019 Podcasts

My Favorite Nine Albums of 2019